Welcome to my first Roblox blog. In this blog, we will learn how to create your Roblox account. It's actually very simple and easy. When you get to www.roblox.com you'll end up on the login page.Click the Sign Up button on the bottom of the Member Login box.
Once you click it this website will pop up: https://www.roblox.com/Login/Signup.aspx You type in your birthday and gender. Your desired username must be 3-20 alphanumeric characters, no spaces. It cannot include your name.Your password:6-20 characters mininum of 4 letters and 2 numbers. Once you click sign up you'll be transported to your profile.And that's your account folks! Hope you like my blog! See you next time!
Welcome to the world of Roblox!!! I know a lot of people like Minecraft too, but still, a lot of people still play Roblox too. So in this blog i will tell you everything i know about Roblox. I have been playing a while, so i know how this works. This game is absolutely free, with the exception of buying Builders Club and Robux. Please subscribe me in my Youtube videos and friend me as Awesomecooldude5248 (I will NOT accept random friend requests). Ok, thats pretty much it. Stay tuned for the beginning, coming soon!!